Tuesday, May 29, 2012

4 Month Appointment

Today was Miss O's 4 month appointment at the doctor's office.  How is it time already for MORE shot?! She did much better for this appointment.  Last time she had a hard time calming down.  This time, however, she was slightly  hungry so after she shots I gave her the bottle and she stopped crying so she could eat.  It also helped her take the oral medication they gave her.. because she was hungry.  The nurse appreciated that Miss O took it without being forced.  Miss O is an even 14 pounds and is measuring 23 3/4 inches.  She is in the 75th percentile for her weight and the 58th percentile for her length.  The doctor also notified me that we do have a teething baby- her bottom left tooth is coming in! We figured as much after a little tantrum last night. The cry was not one we have heard before and she was refusing to eat.   Poor kiddo.  Also, she has clogged tear ducts.  I had them as a baby and so does she.  We just have to massage her eyes (close to her nose) and hope they open up naturally.  By 9 months if it is not better we will be referred to an eye doctor.  So let's hope they open naturally.  She is such a sweet girl.  She is talking so much, rolling over (she rolled over for the doctor twice), giggling, and smiling a ton. She had her first trip away from the Mr and myself over the weekend.  We went to Atlanta and she went to NC to stay with Grandma and Grandpa!  We missed her terribly but I have to admit I enjoyed the rest I was able to get.  Here are some pictures from the doctor's visit and from over the weekend. xo

Rolling from side to side. She likes to hang out on her side.

She had 2 sets of shots today- one in each leg.  She was a trooper!

showing her clogged tear duct goop.  She constantly has eye goop.  People are always telling me ways to clean it because it appears as if I don't but I clean her eyes a billion times a day- promise. 

Twice last night she turned like this and was kicking the monitor.  She has been sleeping on her side a lot more at home.

Waiting for Dr. Brook to come check her out.  14 lbs & Healthy!

She has fun with the crinkle paper at the Dr's office.  She was tearing it up.

Just hanging out

teething baby- waiting on that tooth to come in!

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