Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Fun Just Keeps Coming!

I've been having a difficult week, physically.  I have been trying to keep my chin up and just remember this is all temporary.  I have been struggling with this pregnancy thing.  I will be honest... I do not like being pregnant. I feel bad about this because I know there are so many people who would kill to have the morning sickness, swelling and pain that I have experienced over the last few months.  I know there are people who have tried for years and years to get pregnant and would suffer anything to carry a baby. I do feel bad that I do not enjoy this...  I guess this is the part where I become a mom. I suck it up and do it because of my child... it is no longer about me.  I just want the end result- I want her here so the Mr. and I can begin the next leg of our journey- parenthood

Currently, I am 37 weeks pregnant (which is considered full term). I'm still growing, which brings pain from stretching.  My stomach is so tight... I only have so much torso for this girl to grow!  For the last 6 days I've had this pain I associated with gas and it turns out it is actually a kidney infection.  Thankfully I have my antibiotic, safe to take during pregnancy, and I hope it will do its job ASAP! It hurts to move. It hurts to sit down. It hurts to stand up. It is just really painful. The doctor recommended trying a heating pad- but I'm sweating to death already so I can't keep a heating pad on my person because it just makes me uncomfortably hot! My pastor sent a scripture this morning that I needed to hear:

 "The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with joy." -Psalm 28:7

I just want to enjoy these last few days/weeks while Miss O continues to get strong.  She will come soon and then we have a whole new situation to worry about! I admit that I worry about too many things.  Being on bed rest just gives me time to think, think, think!  That is just as bad as me doing too much... I think too much.

A quick update on Miss O. I am measuring where I need to be so thankfully she won't be a big, big baby.. unless she has a late growth spurt or something! Also, there is no action going on... I'm closed up & she is "way up there" according to the doctor. We just can't wait to meet her! It won't be long now! xo

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

36 weeks

This is the final stretch for us and I have to say I couldn't be happier! I've been confined to my house- more specifically my bed or the couch.  I went to the doctor last Thursday and I was supposed to be starting my internship after my appointment.  My doctor decided it would be best for me and the baby to stay home and keep my feet up.  So that is what I have been doing. No internship for now.  No cleaning. No working out. Nothing!  We still have our Christmas decorations up because I haven't been able to put them away and Jason has been so busy working and taking care of all my errands when he gets off. I know the quiet and restful periods (for me) are not going to last forever but I'm just used to going and going! Now I'm home doing nothing! I can never be someone who stays at home and does nothing...

In the last few weeks we have had great showers from great people.  It is amazing how you can start with nothing and the blessings just flow... we have pretty much everything we need, I think.  We have all of our big ticket items- crib, dresser, car seat, stroller, etc. We have tons of blankets, wash clothes, bibs, some towels, clothes.  We are very, very blessed- rather, Olivia is very blessed. The nursery is almost complete and when it is I will post some pictures. I will post a picture of me as of today. I feel like a whale and my stomach is getting bigger every day!! The sweet end is in sight and she will be here before we know it!!! I can't wait! xo

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

This year is going to be full of so many great adventures. 
2007 was the year of getting my bachelors degree and a husband.
2012 is the year I get my masters degree and our first child.

I hope this year is filled with so many blessings and so many amazing memories for everyone.

I do have an update about the baby.  We are at 34 weeks now and at our most recent appointment my blood pressure jumped pretty high (for me) and the babies heart rate was much higher than it has been. My doctor ordered me to rest- put my feet up, drink plenty of water and stop stressing!  I am also now going back to the office for a weekly check up.  My doctor advised me if the blood pressure doesn't go down Miss Olivia will be here earlier than planned. So we are going to play it by ear for now.  Hopefully nothing will interfere with my sisters wedding in 19 sweet days! xo