Sunday, April 14, 2013

A little scare!

At church today we had a little accident that frightened us. Olivia was outside walking around with her dad and she began climbing the steps. This is not new to us. She has been climbing things for the longest time and she is a daredevil. She falls and trips often and we have become emotionally immune to this. As in, we don't over react or even react like she's hurt. When she was climbing the stairs she fell backwards and hit her head.. Even with the mr there to kind of catch her a bit. The startling part for us was when she wouldn't walk after it happened. I was holding her and would put her down and she would immediately start limping IF she walked. She wouldn't even walk for the dr even when we got to the ER. Anyway... After several hours and 2 sets if X-rays we have no problem we could see as major. Bruising on her bottom but no broken bones... Thank God. We are back to normal with some meds for an ear infection (again).

Friday, April 12, 2013


I realize it has been quite some time since my last update. Life is busy and we are trying to enjoy the moments at home with our learning and growing girl. She has changed so much since her 1st birthday just 2 months ago. She didn't do much talking but she was certainly walking. Now she is talking up a storm and running! She runs everywhere at home and places we go. Her body goes faster than her feet can handles and she trips all the time. But she gets right back up and continues her fast pace. She is a rough and tough little girl. She bumps her head, falls, skin her knee and she will just look up at us and say "uh oh" with no tears. The weather has warmed up and she loves being outside every chance she can get. She actually cries when she can't (like yesterday during a thunderstorm). She loves playing with the water hose so I can't wait to bust out the pool or sprinklers so she can run around in her bathing suit. Her hair is so long and the ends are starting to curl. I lie her hair. It's beautiful and has natural highlights that give her hair so much attention from strangers and friends. She also does sign language.. We taught her a few things: water, milk, more, eat, daddy, bath (I've been trying to teach her mommy but she does daddy every time).

Words she can say: bird, dog, quack (for ducks), bow, mama, dada, hi & bye (which is never said without her sweet little wave), up. She does a good job at mimicking what we say. Like when we say all done she says "ah duh" or something that. She kind of says more but it's like "moh" and the other day we showed her a picture of Jason paternal grandfather who passed away and said "pop pop" and she repeated it several times in that moment but hasn't since she found the picture of him. She is very active and loves people. Here are recent pictures of my sweet girl. XOXO