Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Fun Just Keeps Coming!

I've been having a difficult week, physically.  I have been trying to keep my chin up and just remember this is all temporary.  I have been struggling with this pregnancy thing.  I will be honest... I do not like being pregnant. I feel bad about this because I know there are so many people who would kill to have the morning sickness, swelling and pain that I have experienced over the last few months.  I know there are people who have tried for years and years to get pregnant and would suffer anything to carry a baby. I do feel bad that I do not enjoy this...  I guess this is the part where I become a mom. I suck it up and do it because of my child... it is no longer about me.  I just want the end result- I want her here so the Mr. and I can begin the next leg of our journey- parenthood

Currently, I am 37 weeks pregnant (which is considered full term). I'm still growing, which brings pain from stretching.  My stomach is so tight... I only have so much torso for this girl to grow!  For the last 6 days I've had this pain I associated with gas and it turns out it is actually a kidney infection.  Thankfully I have my antibiotic, safe to take during pregnancy, and I hope it will do its job ASAP! It hurts to move. It hurts to sit down. It hurts to stand up. It is just really painful. The doctor recommended trying a heating pad- but I'm sweating to death already so I can't keep a heating pad on my person because it just makes me uncomfortably hot! My pastor sent a scripture this morning that I needed to hear:

 "The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with joy." -Psalm 28:7

I just want to enjoy these last few days/weeks while Miss O continues to get strong.  She will come soon and then we have a whole new situation to worry about! I admit that I worry about too many things.  Being on bed rest just gives me time to think, think, think!  That is just as bad as me doing too much... I think too much.

A quick update on Miss O. I am measuring where I need to be so thankfully she won't be a big, big baby.. unless she has a late growth spurt or something! Also, there is no action going on... I'm closed up & she is "way up there" according to the doctor. We just can't wait to meet her! It won't be long now! xo

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