This is the final stretch for us and I have to say I couldn't be happier! I've been confined to my house- more specifically my bed or the couch. I went to the doctor last Thursday and I was supposed to be starting my internship after my appointment. My doctor decided it would be best for me and the baby to stay home and keep my feet up. So that is what I have been doing. No internship for now. No cleaning. No working out. Nothing! We still have our Christmas decorations up because I haven't been able to put them away and Jason has been so busy working and taking care of all my errands when he gets off. I know the quiet and restful periods (for me) are not going to last forever but I'm just used to going and going! Now I'm home doing nothing! I can never be someone who stays at home and does nothing...
In the last few weeks we have had great showers from great people. It is amazing how you can start with nothing and the blessings just flow... we have pretty much everything we need, I think. We have all of our big ticket items- crib, dresser, car seat, stroller, etc. We have tons of blankets, wash clothes, bibs, some towels, clothes. We are very, very blessed- rather, Olivia is very blessed. The nursery is almost complete and when it is I will post some pictures. I will post a picture of me as of today. I feel like a whale and my stomach is getting bigger every day!! The sweet end is in sight and she will be here before we know it!!! I can't wait! xo
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