I wanted to take a moment to document some of my new mom confessions... even some of the new parent things the Mr and I have discussed before. We so enjoy being parents to Miss O. Let's face it... we think she is pretty darn amazing and we can't get enough of her. Since she has been here (8 sweet, sweet months) there have been times where I think I NEED TO REMEMBER THIS... so here I go.
#1: On two separate occasions, we have left the baby monitor in the living room instead of by the bed. On another occasion we left the monitor off. I slept through the night and felt AMAZING and thought it was crazy Miss O hadn't woken up yet... well, she was awake and she was crying. YIKES!
#2: My house is a M-E-S-S! It takes everything inside of me not to flip out at the way my house ends up after a week. Honestly, after working all day and taking the last precious hours before bedtime to play, read, eat and play more with Miss O we don't really think about cleaning the house. There are times it looks like a tornado destroyed our home. I have really struggled with it and I'm sure will continue to struggle with it.
#3: Miss O has been hurt several times as she is learning to move around and things like that happen. But the first time she got hurt, the first time she cried a blood curdling scream was my fault. When she was a brand new little baby... like a month or two old... I dropped the remote on her forehead by accident. If you know me well, you know I am a klutz.. I spill lots of stuff and I drop lots of stuff. I will never forget that day. I was sitting on the floor and she was sleeping in my lap and I dropped the remote and made a boo-boo on her forehead. The cry was not one I had heard before so I KNEW it hurt her bad. I cried with her and called the Mr in a panic. Here I am, a mother and protector of this sweet, innocent baby and I am the first person to hurt her! After a few minutes of both of us crying, she calmed down and I felt better.
#4: There are days when I regret not being a stay at home mom. There are days when I drop Miss O off at daycare and just want to stay and play with her instead of go to work. Honestly... I know we work hard to provide for her the things we want her to have so that keeps me motivated when I get down about it. By the time she gets to college we will have to mortgage our house 7 billion times... so we work to save for her future. I work to ensure she has everything she needs {and let's face it.. some things that she WANTS}. But there are days when I wish my whole day revolved around her. Then there are days when I'm thankful that even in those days, I love my job. I love what I do and I love where I work. I think it would be a lot more difficult for me if I hated what I did and where I went after I dropped Miss O off at daycare.
Being a parent is not easy. We make difficult decisions that impact our family, our children, our futures... it takes a lot of work. But it is so completely worth it. I can say with confidence I am not ready for more at this time... definitely want some more children but not right now! Now I feel better about getting all that off my chest... I know everyday can't be a perfect fairy tale with a spotless house! :)
Here are some pictures from our trip to the park last weekend!! {And by trip to the park, I mean her first time on a swing}
sweet Carolina girl |
we tried to get down so she could see us while she was swinging |
swinging can be fun! |
besito. kiss kiss |
i could stare at this face all day |
the Mr, Mrs & Miss O I love my Gamecock family! |