Tuesday, December 31, 2013

22 Months. End of 2013

Since my last post (in October) so much has changed.  I have to document these things... I have to remind myself that I will remember to do this.  It is funny when you sit in the moment, you think you can remember all these little things that are happening.  My sister just had her first baby girl and people have been asking me questions and my response has, more often than not, been "I can't remember".... so with that said: 2014 should be better about documentation of my sweet girls life.

*18-22 Months have been fun & exhausting.

*20 months we had tubes put in- FINALLY! Praise the Lord they have been working like a gem!

*Favorite foods these last few months:  green veggies- broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus. fish & chicken nuggets. berries of all kinds- although we still have a strawberry allergy. yogurt. chocolate anything (which is given on rare, special occasions).

*Most used phrases from 18-22 months are:
"What's that?"
"Yook at me! at me!" {look at me}
"I wannmoe mommy/daddy." {i want more}
"OOOO BIG TRUCKS! HI MAN!" - said to EVERY big truck/ 18 wheeler we pass in the car.
"Where are yooooou?"
"Watch Petey Pie. Watch?"  {Peter Pan}
"Tiss the Tat. Tat tiss." {Kiss the cat.. she likes to give our cat a goodnight kiss every night.}

*Favorite places to visit: any place with animals. the playground. Titi & Neno's house-especially to see the dogs, mouse and cat. the beach.

*For Christmas Olivia received 2 new baby dolls.  One of her baby dolls is very similar to the one she had and lost when she took it to church... the pacifier is attached and magnetic which she loves.  The other baby doll is baby Belle.  She received them from Nana, Papa, Great Nana & Great Papa. :)  The one with the paci is called Baby Jesus.  Her Belle is called Baby Beast. {O normally refers to Belle as Beast because of the movie title Beauty and the Beast}. She also received a crib for her babies. She loves playing with babies.

*O enjoys going outside at night and looking at the stars and the moon.  If the moon is no where to be found she says "where'd it go? oh- it's behind the trees."

*In 2013 we had 27 medical insurance claims for our sweet girl. Lots of sickness {mainly from ear infection related things} but we are hoping for a much better 2014 with health & wellness!!

*O was a flower girl in a wedding & I was a bridesmaid. Quite interesting but fun.

*2013 seemed to be a year of traveling... we traveled quite a bit: North Carolina, Virginia, Florida & other parts of South Carolina mainly. Many weekend getaways.

*O likes to hold out her hand and chant "Goooooo Gamecocks!"  It is just a beautiful thing to hear! <3

*O became a big cousin to 2 new girl cousins- Margo & Virginia.

*Favorite movies to watch: Peter Pan {Petey Pie}. Tangled. Beauty & the Beast. The Little Mermaid. Angelina Ballerina.

*In the morning when you take O out of her crib, she will hand you everything before she goes with you.  Blankets. Night light turtle. Dolls. Her pillow. Bunny & Bear lovies.  Literally everything but the mattress and sheet leave with her every morning.

Our sweet girl is a fireball.  She is very active, very fast and VERY busy all the time.  She still takes a 2 hour nap every day and sleeps from 8pm-7am practically everyday.  On weekends she sleeps longer in the mornings .

My intention is to keep these things jotted down so one day I can look back and remember this sweet, spunky age.  At this moment in our life, we are not thinking or planning another child to add to our brood {typing that I know that other plans are always a possibility and surprises do happen}.  We are focusing just on Olivia {and her sweet cousins} and capturing moments with them.  We can't wait to see what 2014 has in store for us! Happy New Year & Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary to my Mister!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Welcome fall, welcome sick days

We welcomed fall in our home with another double ear infection and then an allergic reaction to the prescribed medicine.  That sickness turned into the Mr getting sick and then passing it along to me.  The last 2 weeks have been a time of healing for us. 

Our girl finally turned forward facing. She is loving riding with open windows and an open sunroof.  When the sun is bright and on her face she says "it's hot mama"

We love wearing some baseball hats. This one is from Titi Lali and she loves it. 

She watches her movies like this... I guess she can't sit still in her chair.

Some sick day entertainment.  She loves painting. She has gotten so good with controlling paint, applesauce, etc. if any falls off she says "oh no! A mess." Then she cleans it. 

"Wock mama. Wock." When she was sick she asked me to rock her.. She never asks for that. 

Doctors office fun

Monday, September 9, 2013

Football is in the air!

I love football season. Well in this house WE love football season because we love football. I love sports in general... I don't enjoy watching a few select ones on TV though. A new reason why I LOVE football season is I now get to share these games and this sport with my daughter. I used to tell my mister how growing up I would always watch football with my dad and I would always fall asleep. As a little girl, I don't remember the games, teams or scores but I do remember being a little girl curled up with my dad. That little moment in my life was perfect. And now we have that little moment with Miss O. Yesterday was the second Gamecocks game and we lost to Georgia. I didn't take with me the loss, the teams mistakes, or all the negative comments... I took with me my daughter learning the Gamecock cheers, clapping, laughing and already recognizing our Gamecock everywhere she sees the logo.

To me, football is tradition. And that is one of the biggest reasons why I so look forward to it every year!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

One and a half

Yesterday our sweet girl celebrated her half birthday. Where has the time gone?! 18 months ago she made her appearance and life has been a crazy adventure. We love our baby girl like crazy! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This life of hers

We are in the car heading home from our wonderful beach vacation {thank you technology for updating on smart phones}. I keep going through the pictures of our time at the beach because we had so much fun! We were blessed with a family vacation from Saturday to Wednesday at Holden Beach, staying at a house on the water. I would be lying if I didn't say it was so much fun for Olivia that I could sleep an entire day to make up for all the work I did with her. One child. We went to the beach last year and she was almost 6 months I think and she wasn't even crawling. This year she was running into the water, face planting the waves and digging in the sand. Crazy how much changes in a year. She loves the ocean and the fish that live in it... Seriously! My sweet big bow wearing girl loves fish and holding them. I learned everything I know about the ocean from my Wuelito and I intend to share all that with my sweet girl. We have been so blessed with this girl. She is a crazy, exciting, joyful mess of a girl. I can't wait to be a part of her life adventures. I am truly thankful for this life. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fifteen glorious months

We have hit our 15 month birthday (5/2/13) and it is so hard to believe how fast time has gone by.  Her first birthday was just 3 months ago and the last three months have been so different.  Each day is different as she learns and grows.  These are pictures from my phone over the last few weeks.  

this girl loves adores water. 

drinking it. running through it. watering the yard & plants. she loves it. 

she is so full of love

sometimes the car can be fun.  mommy normally rides in the back to help entertain 

dress up in her halloween outfit (9 month costume). i think it actually fit her better this time.
we love to play kitchen

clean. clean.   bath time & bed time is a family event most nights. 

first hammock experience.  was a little iffy about it. 

watch out flowers! she WILL pick you! 

get those creative juices flowing. 
sweet girl. 
this is why we don't let you lose in the store... all that gum came tumbling down! 
mommy's vanity area is one of your favorite places.  makeup. jewelry. mirrors. <3 

beep. beep. coming through! 
sometimes this can be a fight... taking OFF the necklaces so we can go to daycare. 
more water fun. 

more art fun. painting is so much fun... it gets everywhere.  this time she used a paint brush. 
first trip to Newberry.  
sweet girl out in the country. 
you can always find her where the boys are.  she wanted to watch the boys play football.  

reading our book about Elmo at the book store.  she loves books. 
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden. watching the penguins swim around.. mesmerized. 
Princess story time with dada
little people princess ariel & prince eric
imagine my surprise to get this picture at work from her teacher... 1 year old room at daycare is getting crazy!! 

a little game of hide and seek... she was seeking. 
wagon: check.   purse: check.    princess dress: check.
just a normal day for this girly girl